BetterLife Agro-Tourism Farm

Agriculture in Uganda

Agriculture is a critical sector in Uganda, employing about 70% of the workforce. However, the sector faces significant challenges. Waste management is a major issue, with over 15 million cattle producing large amounts of waste that are not efficiently utilized. Additionally, there is a growing demand for organic products as consumers become more health conscious and aware of the environmental impacts of GMOs and chemical-intensive farming. Despite this demand, many farmers lack the knowledge and resources to transition to sustainable and organic farming practices.

Our Agro-Tourism Project in Rukungiri, western Uganda, addresses these issues by serving as a model for sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. This active model farm provides comprehensive training and capacity-building programs for local farmers. We focus on biogas production, teaching farmers to transform cattle waste into biogas, which improves waste management and energy use in rural areas. We also educate farmers on sustainable farming practices that enhance soil health and reduce chemical use. As demand for organic products grows, we help farmers adopt organic farming techniques to meet consumer needs and promote health and environmental benefits.

Our Work
  • We teach farmers how to create natural pesticides from food waste. These pesticides are not harmful to the environment and help promote healthier crops.

  • We provide training to farmers on how to use biogas technology, which is particularly beneficial for this cattle-keeping community.

  • Our farm demonstrates the cultivation of organic crops, which are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

  • We assist farmers in finding markets for their organic produce, helping them to achieve better prices and encouraging the wider adoption of organic farming practices.

A BetterLife International  - Ayebare Denise
A BetterLife International  - Ayebare Denise
lighted candle in clear glass

We're making it happen

Our Impact
  • Equipped farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to implement sustainable practices on their own farms.

  • Implemented the use of biogas and natural pesticides which has reduced environmental pollution and promoted the conservation of natural resources.

  • Increased income of farmers through improved crop yields, reduced input costs, and access to premium markets for organic products.

  • We have created a community of practice among farmers, encouraging the exchange of ideas and mutual support for sustainable agriculture.

The farm has hosted over 308 farmers from across Western Uganda, providing them with hands-on training and practical demonstrations. We have installed 48 biogas plants within the region, showcasing the benefits of biogas production in waste management and energy use.


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